Our life together
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Welcome to our website about us, and  life as we've come to know it.  

"Go Army!Beat Navy!"  HOOAH!!!

Well its about time I got my lazy arse back on here to update this bleen't thing, eh??? LOL.

Still got to get some new pic's together so I can put them on here.(Yeah!) In the process of updating this site with new pic's and other stuff. Check back periodically to see what's new and what not. 


Alrighty then!

Well for those of you nosey enough to want to know what I'm doing or thinking, I've finally got around to making an online journal I was mentioning before. As of yet I still need to actually get on that and making some entries besides the inital 1st one. If you look towards the bottom you'll see the link to get to it.


A little bit about us:

Heather is the oldest of three kids. Growing up an Army brat, she's lived in Colorado, Washington State, Michagin, Florida, Oklahoma and North Dakota & Germany twice( Pirmasens & Bamberg) She loves all animals, rollerblading, but enjoys just about anything related to horses.

Chad is the second oldest of eight kids. He grew up a Marine Brat, and has lived in North Carolina and Okinawa, Japan. He loves anything car related-especially Import Cars.

Both love music and hanging out with friends, but of course doing things together when their scheduals permit.






 27204Visits to our site so far : 



Click here for Heather's online Journal

**My answer for everything is a freakin hammer....if talking don't solve the problem, smash it 2 pieces!!MAHAHA!!**